United States
16-18 years
12 month +

Study at an Ivy League university

  • Join the Ivy League and maximise your career prospects
  • Study at one of the most prestigious universities in the world
  • Enjoy the Ivy League traditions and “Greek Life”
  • Gain valuable work experience in global corporations
  • Make lasting contacts in the US;

Key Features

  • Dedicated consultant
  • Personalised classroom
  • Mobile App
  • Educational webinars
  • Access to Elab library
  • Exam Prep


  • Advice on extracurricular activities
  • Full application process support
  • Essays review
  • Interview prep
  • Progress and deadlines monitored
  • Simple online parent review
  • Mentor support.

This US program will familiarise students and parents with the US education system, the Ivy League, plus other highly ranked universities. Students will be provided with full information to make informed choices. Students will be guided on how to select the best study path and university. Students will be provided with a detailed university report suited to their personal aspirations and preferences.

After selecting a shortlist, students on this program will be guided on how to gather and prepare well-written documents for their Common App or direct application. Throughout the program a consultant and US mentors are available to answer any questions, give advice, or provide deadline reminders to ensure a successful outcome and a place at a university of your dreams.

Get full program details

Leave your details and an Elab Education Consultant will contact you within 48 hours to turn your academic aspirations into reality.

Why study abroad?

Naturally the most talented and ambitious students dream of studying in an Ivy League university with its world class education system and wonderful traditions. Whilst the personal and financial rewards are huge, competition for places is also fierce and only the best applicants from all over the world are rewarded with an offer.

This program is designed to help you through a challenging process and build a great application with the help of consultants and mentors so that you maximise your chance of a place in an Ivy League or other top ranked US university of your dreams.

University admission in 5 easy steps

  • Introduction
  • Diagnostics
  • Personal Profile Map
  • Research
  • University Report
  • Final application choices
  • Application process plan
  • Mentor Program
  • Exam and Interview prep
  • Document completion
  • Application portal setup
  • Submission
  • Acceptance
  • Pre-departure procedures
  • Finances
Enjoyyour studies abroad!
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What we offer

Step 1 Introduction, Diagnostics, Personal Profile

Students are introduced to the program and using diagnostic tests and interviews, a personal profile is built to outline strengths, interests, and aspirations.

Step 2 Questionnaire, university research, report and final selections

Students are provided with Elab library documents about courses, options, universities, or different destinations and costs. Students complete a further questionnaire to facilitate the preparation of a detailed report on recommended universities and courses. From this report students will need to select their shortlist of university to begin their application process.

Step 3 Application planning and preparation

Course requirements and deadlines for the selected universities are added to student's personalised classrooms. Students are informed on how to complete documents, the deadlines, and introduced to mentors who will assist them. Students are also provided with advice and information on the necessity and availability of extracurricular activities. These depend on the course and ranking of the university. Preparation for entrance exams or language proficiency tests are planned and commenced.

Step 4 Document completion, submission & exam or interview prep

The process of gathering and finalising documents is completed. Consultants review the application before submission. Any necessary entrance exams or proficiency tests are completed, and results submitted.

Step 5 Acceptance and Relocation

Applicants receive university offers and confirm acceptance of the preferred choice. Applicants are provided with information on grants and scholarships and assisted with applications. Applicants also receive information on accommodation, visas, and other relocation information.

We’ve helped our students get into these schools:

University of Pennsylvania
New York University
Columbia University

Who is this program for?

This program is ideal for students who:

  • Aspire to study in an international environment
  • Find the choices overwhelming and don’t know where to start
  • Need someone to guide and motivate them
  • Want to significantly enhance their chances of submitting a successful application